Monday, August 17, 2009

Ken the Intern - Presidential Fitness Test part 2

Here is the latest installment of Ken's presidential fitness test. Here is part 2 of the test: How many situps can you do? This was another one where we may have been a little liberal on the counting. If you really want to laugh, wait until he is struggling and hit pause. His faces are priceless. I can say that he is doing these to fatigue though.


  1. Los u went from counting 21 to 32 reps! We lost 11 or 12 reps in their somewere! this is piss poor effort! He's only got about 60 to go for the navy seal standard

  2. I did say the counting was liberal. He needed some sort of confidence. 32 sounds a whole lot better than 22 situps in 1 minute. Oh Ken.
