Friday, September 4, 2009

National Anthem

As you can imagine I have heard my fair share of national anthems. I am pretty sure that at the major league level they have tryouts and screen the candidates who want to sing every night. Not so much in the minor leagues. I have heard some people who it seems like they just plucked out of the stands. Some of the oddest ones I have heard have been in the south. Some of those people actually just make up their own words to the anthem. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I would sing songs on the radio based on what it sounded like instead of what the words really were. I figured that I would post at least one national anthem before this season is over. This guy was not what I was expecting.

I couldn't get a good picture of him, but this will suffice. I thought he was going to rap the anthem the way he was dressed. He wasn't the best singer of the year, but he also definitely wasn't the worst. He did know all the words.

There is a sort of running contest to guess the time of the anthem. Every day the over/under is 1:30. That is a standard time. Usually we pre-judge how long it is going to be based on what they are wearing, male/female, if they practice a little, etc. I obviously wasn't at the line for this one, but was told that they all chose the over. Good call.

I would just like to say that it takes a lot of courage to go out in front of a crowd and sing like these people do. I commend them. I know I couldn't do it (mostly because I can't sing). So anytime we make fun of them, we know that they are really better than us....

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