Thursday, July 30, 2009

Game #39

I'm bored.

I like reading blogs, so I decided to start my own. I'm not really going with anything intellectual or mind-stimulating. I will just give you some insight as to what I am doing and my life as a minor league baseball athletic trainer.

I am in Spokane right now for the 3rd game of a 5 game set against the Eugene Emeralds. They are the NW League affiliate of the San Diego Padres.

Today is a pretty typical day. Got in about 12:30. Guys started filtering in around 1:00ish. Pitchers stretch at 1:50 and position players stretch at 2:50. Over the last 2 days I have finished organizing our upcoming road trip to Salem, OR and Pasco, WA. That pretty much consists of finalizing the itinerary and making copies for anyone who wants one, finalizing and faxing rooming lists to the hotels, and coordinating bus times and meal money.

We don't have too many injured players right now, so I haven't been doing a whole lot of treatments. The daily routine involves pitcher's cuff work and maintenance. Anyone who is unavailable for tonight's game will do maintenance during BP and starters who throw bullpens and game pitchers will do their work after they finish.

Well, gotta head out for the stretching and BP.


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