Thursday, February 18, 2010

Almost Spring Training Time

My official report date for spring training is March 3rd. Since major league pitchers and catchers reported today, people keep asking me why I'm not there and when I am going. Minor league spring training always starts a few weeks after major league and goes a little bit longer also. Our pitchers and catchers report on March 7th and position players are a few days after that. That's when the real fun starts and the 12-15 hours days go for the whole month.

I have definitely enjoyed my long offseason. I had ZERO offseason responsibility this year so I got the full almost 6 months to spend time with my family and watching my rapidly growing daughter. Now is time to get in all of that last minute stuff before I head out for the summer.

I had the pleasure of getting a tooth pulled out this year. How fun! They extracted it last week and today I had a follow up appointment to remove the stitches and check the progress. It had to be pulled because apparently it was "eating itself from the inside". The main problem is that it is one of my front teeth. I have a temporary "flipper" in there now which basically looks like a retainer with a tooth attached to the front and I pretty much can't eat anything that I have to bite into. It is a huge pain. I have to cut everything into bite sized pieces and skip the front teeth. Now I look like a hockey player too. Here is a picture.

I have also decided to stop cutting my hair. It's starting to get kind of long. I'm guessing that I will keep growing it out until late May or early June when it starts getting really hot in AZ. The only problem with my long hair is that it gets pretty much out of control.

Well, that was my quick little update. I'll start posting regularly again when I head out to Surprise, AZ in a week and a half. Hope you all enjoy the last few weeks of your baseball free life like I will be.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Shit! That picture is hilarious! You look like some kind of West Virginia inbred.

